Welcome to my blog.
Here I try to collect some thoughts and code on the topics of Cognition, Neuroscience, Data Analysis, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Statistics and Complex Systems in general.
Welcome to my blog.
Here I try to collect some thoughts and code on the topics of Cognition, Neuroscience, Data Analysis, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Statistics and Complex Systems in general.
A collection and explanation of the most relevant Entropy-based measures in Machine Learning.
Artifact Subspace Reconstruction in Python.
Unified Gaze Classification for Eye Tracking.
A collection, explanation, and comparison of various automated EEG cleaning algorithms.
A simple automated EEG cleaning pipeline for MNE-Python.
A challenge-winning project for the Potsdam Climate Institute’s 2021 “AI for Climate” Hackathon.
Visualization and automated detection of EEG noise.
Replicating Jetchev, Bergmann & Vollgraf (2016).
Define automated Poker algorithms and play against them.
A collection of weighted graph measures to compute on numpy arrays.
A simple and interactive collection of introductory notebooks into Neurodynamics.
Hello everyone!